My daughter Romy sent me the above recently. It says volumes about effort and dealing with
grief and joy, but my focus here, on this longest day of the year and the
beginning of summer, is THE SEA.
From the day I had my first smell of salt air off the ocean
I felt it had magical qualities. If
perception is reality then there was no doubt in my mind the ocean could fix
anything. I am not saying it has Lourdes
like qualities but damned near.
All I know is when I am around the ocean I feel better. Mentally, physically and spiritually
better. It doesn’t take much. It can be sitting on the bluff on a foggy
night listening to the fog horn at the entrance to our harbor. Walking along
the shore to find interesting pieces of driftwood and bending over to get a
closer look at small creatures in the tide pools. And I love to climb rocks on
a point with surging ocean water, mist and foam all around.
One of my favorite things is to sit in my beach chair on a
warm, summer day. Particularly in the
afternoon and into the evening when the wind begins to drop, birds are diving
for their dinner, sailboats are racing offshore and the sun begins to set. I never take a book to the beach. I am aghast when I hear people say they like
to read a good book at the beach. Are
you kidding me? With all God has spread
before you how can you even think of burying you nose in a book? You can read a book at night or on a rainy
day in the winter. Please.
In the course of an afternoon you see many families lug
enough gear to the water’s edge to camp out for a month. Whether seeking relief from inland heat or
treating the kids to a day at the beach, the routine is the same. They spread out a blanket, stick an umbrella
in the sand and break out sandwiches, chips and soft drinks while the kids run
amuck. Kicking soccer balls, throwing Frisbees,
guys performing heroic feats to impress giggling girls, it’s all a ritual.
Meanwhile, The Sea is working its magic. They will all go home happy, bathing suits
full of sand, sun burned and tired. The
next day, with recharged spirits and precious memories, they will tackle life’s
struggles anew.
I always end my day with a slow walk in knee deep
water. The swirling of the salt water
around me is good for the soul. Through
the water and the mist I try to soak up every ounce of goodness.
In the winter it’s quite different but no less
magical. There is a place near where I
live that juts out over the ocean. Emboldened
by being on dry land, it is a spectacular place during a fierce winter storm. With a dark gray sky and howling winds it is
beautiful. Massive waves crash against
the rocks below sending spray skyward.
The wind then blows the mist over my vantage point. Even though it is winter I have my dose of
salt water.